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7 natural sugar substitutes that sweet tooth will love


Source: Championat

"White death" - this is how sugar is called adherents of a healthy diet. What more useful alternatives to this product you may like - says Championat.

Vegetarian dessert without sugar. Photo: Shutterstock

It is no secret to anyone that excessive consumption of refined sugar can adversely affect human health. This product causes an even greater feeling of hunger, and also causes premature aging and the development of cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, we have compiled for you the top natural products that will help replace sugar in the diet. And they will do it for the benefit of the figure!


Unlike sugar, honey has a natural origin. And, according to the nutritionist and nutritionist Anna Berseneva, it contains almost all the useful substances from the periodic table, as well as vitamins and minerals.

What are the beneficial properties of this excellent composition?

  • Bracing: honey is a strong natural immunostimulant. Anti-inflammatory: significantly reduces all inflammatory processes, including edema and pain symptoms.
  • Antimicrobial: this action of honey provides inhibin, an antibiotic-like substance.
  • Wound healing: used to heal wounds and burns. Often used for stomatitis on the mucous membranes and stomach ulcers.
  • Nutrient: contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, enzymes that are completely absorbed by the body.

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Jerusalem artichoke syrup

It is made from root crops of Jerusalem artichoke, which look like ginger. The plant tastes like sweet potatoes.

The so-called fructans give rare sweetness to Jerusalem artichoke - rare substances that behave differently in the human body than glucose and fructose. They are found in very few plants. Most of these substances are in tubers.

Thanks to Jerusalem artichoke, we not only replace refined sugar in the diet, but also get a long-lasting feeling of fullness, as well as normalize blood pressure. In addition, the syrup contains organic acids, minerals, amino acids and vitamin C. They help in the treatment of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, activating the metabolism in the body, removing toxins and normalizing the functioning of internal organs. According to the nutritionist, such a sweetener can be consumed even with diabetes.


The leaves of this shrub contain glycosides, which give the plant a very sweet taste. The composition of stevia contains many useful substances, mineral salts, vitamins and amino acids. Such a sweetener has a low calorie content, therefore it is especially useful to use during a diet or with diabetes. Stevia can also be added to homemade desserts.

Agave Syrup

It is made from the same plant growing in Mexico. Outwardly and in smell, it is somewhat reminiscent of honey. Agave syrup contains a lot of calcium and iron, but this sugar substitute should not be used excessively. The thing is that in the process of its preparation, a large amount of fructose condenses, due to which a healthy person can have diabetes. And for people suffering from diseases of the liver and gall bladder, it is better to refuse such a treat at all.

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Klenovыy syrup

Maple syrup is obtained from tree sap. It is in the composition of natural juice that approximately three percent of sugar is already contained, which makes it quite sweet. To taste maple syrup is very similar to caramel, so it is often served with pancakes and pancakes. In addition, this product has many useful properties, as it contains sucrose, antioxidants, B vitamins, calcium, phosphorus and zinc.


The most natural sugar substitute is fruit. They are a source of a large number of vitamins and nutrients, as well as dietary fiber, which provide a feeling of satiety. However, they have fructose, so it is undesirable to eat ripe fruits in unlimited quantities.

Coconut Sugar or Syrup

This type of sugar does not taste as sweet as regular refined. It is available both in the form of syrup and in the form of crystals. Coconut syrup raises blood sugar gradually, and also produces the hormone glucagon in the body, which helps burn fat and improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. This substitute is recommended to resort to overweight people.

And for those who want to reduce the use of sugar and its substitutes to a minimum, our expert has one effective life hack:

Add the best, one hundred percent natural flavor enhancer - pink Himalayan or sea salt. Just a pinch will allow you to use less sweetener and reveal all the subtle shades of the ingredients used in the dessert. The most interesting thing is that even spices and essential oils are revealed much brighter in the presence of this magic pinch.

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