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7 famous American women who have become members of royal families. A PHOTO


Source: NBC New York

About the engagement of British Prince Harry, the sixth in line to the royal throne, with American actress Megan Markle, the whole world already knows. The wedding is scheduled for spring 2018 of the year. Megan will not be the first American woman to join one of the royal families of the world. Who were her predecessors, tells NBC New York.

Wallis Simpson
The Duchess of Windsor and the woman for whom Prince Edward, who is also King Edward VIII, abdicated the British throne in favor of his brother George VI, whose great-grandchildren are Princes William and Harry. Wallis Simpson, an American actress, was divorced at the time of her marriage to Edward, as was Megan Markle.

Rita Hayworth
A native of Brooklyn is known for its landmark film career. When she married Prince Ali Khan, Rita became the world's first Hollywood actress to become a princess. The couple had one daughter, Princess Jasmine Aga Khan.

Grace Kelly
Born in Philadelphia, this woman won not only the hearts of millions of fans around the world, but also the hearts of Monaco prince Ranier III, whom she married in April 1956, becoming the princess of Monaco. The couple have three children, one of whom, Prince Albert, now heads the kingdom.

Lisa Helabi
Few people associate this name with Princess Nour, the world famous woman, the wife of the King of Jordan. Lisa Helabi was born in Washington and studied in New York and Massachusetts, and then entered Princeton. In 1978, she married King Hussein. The couple have four children.

Alexandra Miller
The former wife of Prince Alexander von Furstenberg, whom the native of New York married in 1995, in one of the churches of the city of the Big Apple. The couple have two children. Later they divorced, and in 2015, Alexander married an American designer.

Kendra Spears
Born in Seattle, the American supermodel debuted at New York Fashion Week in 2008. She later became the wife of Prince Rahim Aga Khan in 2013, in Geneva, after which she received the name of Princess Salva. The couple have two children, the youngest was born in 2017 year.

Megan Markle
And finally, the main woman is not only in the heart of Prince Harry, but also in Google - Megan Markle, born in Los Angeles, began dating a prince in 2016 year. Markl was already married, but, most likely, the queen decided not to repeat the sad fate of her son and Princess Diana, and to agree to marry her grandson with a woman he loves, regardless of her biography.

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