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6 things in the house that can kill you: how to calculate and neutralize them


Source: Life hacker

You might not have suspected that you were allergic to mold or dust until you were locked with them in the same room for several weeks, writes Life hacker.

Photo: Shutterstock

Check for potential allergens around you and find out how to protect yourself!

Why allergies can occur even at home

If you are already under 30, but you still have never flowed from your nose after hugging with a cat, this does not mean absolutely nothing. Allergy symptoms can occur at any age - even in adults.

An important role is played by heredity. If one of the parents had an allergy, the probability of its occurrence in you is 30-50%. If both parents were allergic, this figure jumps to 60–80%. However, in such a situation there is a chance to "outgrow" the ailment: for those over 50, the symptoms sometimes come to naught.

The cause of a sudden runny nose and lacrimation can be close contact with a potential allergen. If from childhood you are accustomed to strictly monitor cleanliness, but you forgot to work on self-isolation due to blockage, the last time you dusted, then you risk getting acquainted with unpleasant symptoms. They can occur if, when meeting with an allergen, the immune system was not in good shape, for example, during pregnancy or illness.

What allergens can be found in the apartment


It consists of the smallest particles of food, pollen, tissue fibers and skin flakes - both yours and your pets. Often dust mites are added to this set, which is already insidious for any allergy sufferer. These are tiny creatures that feed on particles of the epidermis and live where it is warm and humid. Bedclothes, upholstered furniture and carpets are their favorite habitats. Allergies are caused by tick excrement and particles of their decaying remains mixed with dust.

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The requirements for living conditions for mold are approximately the same as for ticks: if only it was moist and warm. She especially likes a kitchen or bathroom with poor ventilation and leaking pipes. Mold spores are in the air, and if you inhale them, the immune system can react too eagerly - this is how the allergy develops.


Contrary to popular belief, the irritating factor is not the hair of dogs and cats. The blame is on their urine, saliva and tiny particles of skin that mix with dust and spread throughout the apartment. And no, hypoallergenic rocks do not exist.


For example, cockroaches. Their excrement and chitinous cover contains a protein that can cause an allergic reaction. In some cases, it can even reach asthma. If you needed an additional reason to keep order in the kitchen, then here it is.


Self-isolation here is unlikely to save: the apartment still needs to be ventilated from time to time, so allergens from the street can easily get into the room. And if you do not use deliveries and go grocery shopping yourself, then you risk bringing pollen of birch or alder home on clothes or hair.

Household chemicals

And along with cosmetics. Preservatives, antibacterial components and flavorings can provoke allergies. However, it does not always occur after the first application: you can use the same cream for years, and then discover that some strange rashes appeared on the skin. Cleaning gloves do not help everyone: if they are made of latex, they themselves can cause a negative reaction.

Symptoms to watch out for

Allergies are unpredictable and can remind themselves at any time of the year. In spring or summer, a sudden attack of sneezing is easier to attribute to pollen, but dust mites and cockroaches do not care, April is now or October.

Allergic reactions can occur in different ways, but there are symptoms that occur most often:

  • A nose is clogged or flows in a stream for obvious reasons.
  • Eyes reddened, itchy and watery.
  • A person is constantly sneezing, or he is overcome by a cough.
  • A tingling sensation appears in the throat.
  • Dyspnea worries.
  • Redness occurs on the skin, accompanied by itching and peeling.

Sometimes an allergy is difficult to distinguish from SARS, so it is better to do without initiative and not to make a diagnosis on the Internet. If you suspect that the viruses are not to blame for the constant cold, consult a general practitioner and take a blood test for general immunoglobulin E. Perhaps you will be sent to an allergist with the result of this test - you will need to undergo additional tests to determine the allergen.

How to deal with allergies

Keep clean

Wipe off the dust with a damp cloth, mop the floor once or twice a week, or use a vacuum cleaner to clean it, ideally with a HEPA filter. To avoid irritating particles, wear a mask during cleaning. It is better to refuse household chemicals with fragrances in favor of products without bright fragrances.

The optimum temperature in the apartment is from 20 to 22 ° C, and air humidity should not exceed 50%. If you ventilate, hang a curtain of wet gauze on the window leaf or balcony door to trap at least part of the pollen.

On the subject: Big quarantine cleaning: step-by-step action plan

Keep pets out of the bedroom

And if you live in odnushka, then at least do not let them jump on the bed. You need to wash the animal after each walk - on the coat a dog or cat can drag pollen from the street.

Cleaning the tray should be entrusted to your home without allergies, but if this is not possible, wear a mask, and when finished, wash your hands thoroughly. By the way, you should wash your hands every time after you cuddle the cat or scratch the dog.

Change bedding on time

This should be done at least once a week, and you should wash sheets, duvet covers and pillowcases at 60 ° C. Dry the laundry in the room, not on the open balcony, otherwise it will collect pollen. And do not forget about decorative pillows and soft toys - they also need to be regularly sent for washing.

Replace feather pillows and wool blankets with synthetic-filled options. And in order to maximally complicate the life of ticks, you can buy a protective cover on the mattress.

Get rid of the trash

The less dust collectors in the house, the lower the risk of an allergy. It is better to get rid of carpets right away - to collect all the dust from a long pile, even a vacuum cleaner is not always able to do it. And if you clean it with a damp sponge, there will be expanse for mold. Remove books and decor such as figurines and boxes from open shelves in a closet. Curtains and bedspreads collect dust well, so wash or vacuum them regularly.

Tidy the bathroom

Make sure everything is OK with ventilation. If the bathroom is always damp, leave the door open after taking a shower. During cleaning, do not forget to clean the seams between the tiles, and also regularly wash the rugs and shower curtain. After washing dry, wipe the rubber seal on the door of the washing machine. Finally, do not put off fixing the leaking tap for later. So the mold does not have time to grow, and the cockroaches will have nothing to drink.

Do not make a mess in the kitchen

All moldy foods from the refrigerator should be sent to the bin immediately. Wipe the refrigerator once a week from the inside - and the walls, and shelves, and seals. Take away the crumbs from the table and sweep the floor, otherwise the neighboring cockroaches will come running for a treat. It is better not to store flour, pasta and cereals in open packs - pour them into tightly closed containers. Take out the trash regularly and use a bucket with a lid so that the insects have nothing to profit from.

Leave home less often when everything blooms around

In the end, the regime of self-isolation has not yet been canceled. The less you roam the street, the lower the risk of breathing pollen. Just in case, keep a flowering calendar of allergic plants on hand. For example, in April, a birch blooms, the Network even has daily forecasts of its pollen concentration in the air.

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