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Six Signs That You Wrong When Choosing Your Husband


Source: Lisa

In a crisis situation of relations, the thought often arises in my head: was my choice correct initially? How can you understand that the person next to you is not the companion with whom you should go through life?

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1. You feel that you are losing strength and not replenishing them.

Perhaps it is impossible to find such a person who would be looking for a relationship of constant stress, writes Lisa... Almost everyone creates a couple to get a charge of positive emotions and inspiration. And if you suddenly began to feel that being close to your spouse no longer causes the former "uplift", it is worth thinking, and what positive does your union give you?

2. You are increasingly seeking solitude

Do you catch yourself thinking that being alone is more pleasant for you than in his company? Increasingly, began to think about leisure time away from your other half? Do you want to share pleasant moments with him? Chances are, you really made a mistake when choosing a partner.

3. You change in yourself what you like

To be close to him, you need to change a few (or a lot) of points in yourself - from your hairstyle to your habits? Although until a certain moment you did not even think about the time to "renew"? Obviously, next to you is not the warm and understanding person you were counting on, but the one who demands your “match”. It is unlikely that he is the one you have dreamed of all your life.

4. You often agree against your will.

Often it is easier for you to say “yes” than to explain why “no”, so that there are no quarrels and disputes that you have neither the strength nor the desire to endure. And it turns out that you are doing what you really do not really want, and you spend time with a person with whom, by and large, it becomes less and less in common. Needless to say, this can hardly be called an idyll?

On the subject: Be careful: how kind and patient people end up in toxic relationships

5. You carefully select the words when talking

More and more often you catch yourself thinking that it is much easier to remain silent than to tell everything as it is, and in the discussion you try to avoid "sensitive" topics and prefer to remain silent, because you know that this will cause his rage and indignation? Probably, next to you is not the one with whom you can walk hand in hand through life.

6. You mark the advantages of other men

If you pay more attention to other men and their dignity, you no longer pull yourself back when you gaze at an attractive young man or admire his qualities, then you can hardly rejoice in the choice of your partner when you see and celebrate the "competitive advantages" of the stronger sex around you ...

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