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6 folk remedies that do not cure viruses and can even harm



Many continue to habit of drinking tea with lemon and eating garlic in order to recover faster. But do ancient methods work against modern viruses? Tells

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Tea with lemon

Drinking plenty of water is an important component of treatment (this is what our colleagues write about), and the favorite drink of all sick people is hot tea with lemon. Yes, the lemon does indeed contain vitamin C, which saves you from colds. But it collapses, falling into hot water. It turns out that its effect is leveled. It is better to drink berry juice, mineral water or water at room temperature with the same lemon (so the beneficial properties will not disappear).

The mustard

In childhood, many of us underwent torture with mustard plasters - this not the most pleasant method of treatment was very popular. It was believed that mustard plasters dilate blood vessels and activate blood circulation. However, modern scientists have not found scientific confirmation of the hypothesis.

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Banks - another popular option for getting rid of diseases, on the contrary, disrupts blood circulation and can lead to damage to blood vessels, causing hemorrhage. Cans are not supported by traditional medicine: at elevated temperatures during illness, thermal procedures are contraindicated because they exacerbate the inflammatory process.

Hot Potato Inhalation

Inhalation of burning air under a blanket over a pan - such a test passed almost all in childhood. However, you cannot call it safe (it’s good that we survived!): You can harm the mucous membranes or get a burn if you suddenly turn the pan over. But the nebulizer inhaler that you can buy at the pharmacy today is a more humane and effective method.


Damage from garlic in moderation will certainly not be. But what really should not be done is to put chopped cloves of garlic in your nose. This may result in a chemical burn.

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Vodka rubbing

One of the very tenacious myths is the fight against heat by rubbing the body with vodka or alcohol. Do not do so! This procedure leads to a sharp cooling of the skin and reflex narrowing of the vessels. As a result, hot tissues do not release heat outside, and this is fraught with internal overheating of the body. This is written in all the guidelines of the World Health Organization.

“On average, ARVI lasts 5-7 days - during this time, antibodies are formed in the body, and this period cannot be shortened by jars, lemon or garlic. You can only alleviate the symptoms: drink more, ventilate the room, rinse your nose with saline. If something bothers you, see a doctor, in case of quarantine you can call a therapist for a remote consultation, ”says Ekaterina Kuzina, otolaryngologist, head of the Doctor Near telemedicine service.

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