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5 diseases that do not cause vaccinations



Is it worth it to vaccinate a child with a neurological disease, why are medication given to children with such diagnoses most often given in vain, and also what “urban myths” about the connection between nerve diseases and vaccines should not be believed?

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“After” vaccination does not mean “due to”

The first anti-vaccination movements appeared almost simultaneously with the first vaccines. Back in 1722, English theologian Edward Massey called the smallpox vaccine “dangerous and sinful” and compared it with the “devil's operation.” The tradition entrenched, and since then the vaccine has not been blamed for anything. "Found" connection with neurological diseases, writes

The causes of many nervous diseases are unknown. Even scientists do not fully know why people suffer from autism, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, and so on. The mere existence of these diseases is still a convenient excuse to blame vaccine manufacturers for conspiracy.

There is such a thing as the debut of a neurological disease. The symptoms of many pathologies do not appear immediately after birth, but at a certain age. Sometimes this coincides with the introduction of vaccines. In the minds of ordinary people turn on the ancient cognitive error: "after - it means due to."

However, scientists check and re-check everything. And time after time, there is no significant connection between vaccines and neurological disorders.

Vaccinations and Autism: A “Myth” with Outbreaks of Measles Outbreaks

The fatal article by Andrew Wakefield, which reported on the allegedly discovered relationship between the MMR vaccine (against mumps, rubella and measles) and autism, was published in one of the most respected scientific journals in 1998. After 12 years, it finally recalled. But the trouble she managed to do a lot.

A British medical journal called the Wakefield article "intentional fraud." There are too obvious and blunders in it:

  • The study involved too few children.
  • Five children had developmental problems before vaccine introduction, and the article stated that initially everyone was normal.
  • Some children had health problems a few months after the vaccination, and the article indicated the average time - 6 days.

Perhaps this is the most common “urban myth” about vaccinations, the echoes of which in the form of outbreaks of measles amid massive refusals of vaccination still roam in different countries.

Vaccinations and epilepsy: it's not about vaccines

In 1974, a scientific study was published that allegedly proved that pertussis vaccine increases the risk of mental retardation and epilepsy. The reaction of the public was not long in coming. In the UK, the number of vaccinated children fell from 83% to 31%. As a result, 100 000 new cases of whooping cough and 36 deaths.

A similar situation was observed in Japan, where vaccination coverage fell from 70% to 20%. As a result, in the 1974 year, the incidence of whooping cough in the country increased from 393 to 13 000 cases, 41 of them ended in deaths.

Later studies have shown that some vaccines, but not for whooping cough, but against mumps, rubella and measles, do increase the risk of seizures. But they have nothing to do with epilepsy. After vaccination in children (in rare cases) febrile seizures may develop - they are so called because they are a reaction to high fever. A similar picture in a small child may be with a banal acute respiratory disease.

Febrile seizures look scary, but, as a rule, they are not particularly dangerous. This is not the same as a convulsive seizure during epilepsy. Other vaccines did not find such side effects.

In recent decades, some genetic causes of epilepsy have been discovered, and these discoveries once again confirm that this is not at all in vaccines.

The researchers did not find any connection between pertussis vaccine and dementia.

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Vaccinations and schizophrenia: the influenza vaccine does not harm, but protects

Some scientists have suggested that vaccination during pregnancy can lead to autism, schizophrenia and other disorders of the nervous system in the fetus. Numerous animal studies have confirmed that there is no relationship here.

But the “seekers of truth” did not convince such an argument. It was hypothesized that inflammatory substances (cytokines), which are produced in the body of the future mother after vaccination against influenza, can adversely affect the development of the fetal brain. She also found no evidence.

A study was conducted on rhesus monkeys, during which pregnant females were infected with the influenza virus. It turned out that their offspring had a smaller brain size and other symptoms characteristic of schizophrenia.

Influenza vaccine does not just harm the unborn child - it protects. It can be considered as a method of preventing schizophrenia.

Vaccinations and Alzheimer's: No parent wants this for their child

Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of senile dementia. Although this problem usually occurs in people after the age of 45, many parents sounded the alarm when in 2005, during the TV show “Larry King Live,” comedian Bill Mar carelessly dropped the phrase that “annual introduction for five consecutive years, the influenza vaccine increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease by a factor of ten. ” The comic quoted one doctor who spoke at a vaccine conference in 1997.

No normal parent would want such a prospect for his child, but fears were again in vain. Scientific studies (in particular, conducted in the 2001 year) have shown that vaccinations against diphtheria, tetanus, polio and flu do not increase the risk of senile dementia. On the contrary, they protect against Alzheimer's disease.

Vaccinations and Guillain-Barre Syndrome: the flu is much more dangerous than the vaccine

Guillain-Barre syndrome is a rare neurological disorder, manifested in the form of paralysis in different parts of the body, up to a violation of the respiratory muscles. Most often, this condition provokes infection, for example, the flu. The immune system begins to fight the pathogen, but mistakenly attacks the nervous tissue.

Often, Guillain-Barre syndrome goes without consequences, but sometimes it is life threatening. In this regard, concerns have arisen: Does the influenza vaccine increase the risk of this condition? After all, it also causes an immune response.

In 1976, scientists discovered that the vaccine against swine flu was accompanied by a slight increase in the number of cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome: she added an extra case to the 1 100 population. In other studies, no such connection was found.

Even if we assume that the influenza vaccine is unsafe in this respect, it is worth remembering that the flu itself increases the risk of Guillain-Barré syndrome 7 times. Compared to this 1 case on 100 000 man is a drop in the ocean, and vaccination protects rather than hurts. Nevertheless, the experts are reinsured and recommend not administering the vaccine to people who have previously noted this complication.

Is it possible to vaccinate children with neurological diseases?

In stable conditions, such as Down syndrome, paresis, paralysis, neurological disorders after injuries and previous diseases, vaccinations are administered according to a general schedule. Often, it is not a contraindication and that bunch of neurological diagnoses with which children like to be discharged from maternity homes (most often they fit into the general diagnosis of “perinatal encephalopathy”).

The situation is more complicated with progressive neurological pathologies, including infant spasms, severe encephalopathy, uncontrolled epileptic seizures. In these cases, DTP vaccine can be dangerous, as among its possible side effects are fever and convulsions.

Vaccination is canceled, but usually it can be done after the child’s condition stabilizes. In addition, the doctor may prescribe a “lightweight” version of the DTP-ADS-M vaccine or carry out vaccination according to an individual schedule.

If a neurologist has never dealt with one pathology or another, he can be safe and meditate, although there is no reason for it in the long run.

In such situations, try to get a second (and even third) medical opinion. With many neurological pathologies, the arguments for vaccination are more than against. If a sick child gets an infection, his condition will worsen, and a “dangerous” vaccine can protect against it.

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