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5 things you lie to your gynecologist


Source: tells about what you should not embellish at the reception at the doctor.

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1. Abuse of cigarettes and alcohol

These bad habits have a negative impact on your health (and intimate too), writes Before prescribing treatment, the physician must ensure that the medicine does not cause side effects and does not aggravate the disease. Therefore, it is important to honestly tell the doctor about your addiction to even "light" alcohol or smoking, including if it is "only for the company."

2. Presence of eating disorder

If you think that RPP does not concern the gynecologist, you are mistaken. Such disorders affect different parts of the body and disrupt the functioning of internal organs. Your doctor needs to know about your "difficult" relationship with food (if any) in order to make a correct diagnosis.

3. Abortions

The gynecologist is not a judge or a priest, he will not pass judgment or condemn you for a decision that you made once in the past. An abortion done during the second trimester increases the risk of miscarriages in the future, so if this is your story, tell your doctor.

4. Number of sexual partners

Women do not want to admit how many partners they have had sexual intimacy, as they are afraid that the gynecologist will either judge them or not. Remember that the doctor keeps medical secrecy, and you have nothing to be ashamed of. The information you provide will help him determine the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.

5. Sexual orientation

Another piquant topic that girls do not want to discuss with a doctor, considering it "too intimate." In the chair at the gynecologist can not be too intimate topics. The physician must be aware of your orientation in order to correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment, as people with a non-traditional orientation have an increased risk of getting an STD.

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