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5 things you shouldn’t tell anyone about


Source: SOK Media

"Sometimes it's better to chew than talk," is a universal rule that applies to many areas of life. Usually they recall him when something offensive or seditious flies from the mouth of a person. Otherwise, any topic of the conversation at first glance seems more or less acceptable. However, not all so simple. You can discuss anything, but whether it is necessary.

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Some statements will not offend anyone, but will glorify you as not the most pleasant or reliable person. Let's learn together how to remain mysterious and ensure that your words are worth its weight in gold, writes SOK-Media.

Intimate life

Have you ever met people who, almost from the first minute of your acquaintance, tell you the details of their sex life in all colors, starting from gay and ending with bed practice with your current partner? Such characters, including media characters, from time to time come across on the way. From the side, their behavior looks as ridiculous as possible. They seem to shout to the whole world: “Look, I have sex! Can you imagine I have sex! ”Believe me, even if you are addicted to something super-standard in your bed, you will not surprise anyone. You do not look like a liberated woman or a rebel - rather, you look like a teenager who recently found out what mom and dad do at night. Sexual life does not characterize you in any way when dealing with unfamiliar people, but its excessive mention can easily push away. Discussing your sex is only appropriate with loved ones, and if you feel that something is going wrong. And it’s better to leave the pleasant moments to yourself - so they will be much more valuable.

On the subject: 8 phrases that you absolutely can’t say to yourself


Gossipers are notorious. They are rightly considered to be unrealized people who stick their nose out of their business, and also avoid trusting them with secrets. It’s logical: if a friend is talking about everyone, where is the guarantee that he will keep your secret? This does not mean that you need to plug your ears when others are discussing with you. A wise person listens, but is silent, knows a lot, but speaks little. This strategy will make you stronger and more reliable in your own eyes and in the eyes of others.

Plans for the future

There is a sign that if you tell someone about your plans, they will not come true. You may think that superstition is outdated bullshit, but it's better to keep quiet about the future. And mysticism has nothing to do with it. Remember your school years and what you were going to do when you grew up. Surely a lot of this list did not come true. Something lacked resources, something slipped right under my nose, and something simply lost its relevance due to a change in life values. This happens all the time. But if you talk to everyone in a row about your own endeavors, 50% of which will not be developed, you will be perceived at best as a dreamer building castles in the air, and at worst - as yap, whose word is worth nothing.

On the subject: Why you can not tell anyone about your dreams and plans


It is indecent to ask about other people's income. Talking about your income is also not very good. If you have a small income, it will look like you are complaining about fate. If your salary is much higher than that of the interlocutor, he will think that you are bragging and pulling against his background. Similar topics are best kept for close friends.

Spiritual world

This is not just about religion. Any spiritual and ethical practices, whether it be meditation, vegetarianism or personal growth training, is not for everyone. Discuss with like-minded people - why not? But if you see that it is uninteresting or unpleasant for a person to listen to, it is better not to develop this topic, even if it is very dear and interesting to you. The same thing, by the way, is about politics. We all adhere to certain views, voicing which we run the risk of quarreling. Well, why is this needed?

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