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5 Ways to Extend the Life of a Domestic Cat


Source: The Adventures of a Naturalist on Yandex.Zen

How many years a cat will live depends largely on the owner, and not only on the nature of the program, the author of the channel notes. "The Adventures of a Naturalist" on Yandex.Zen. What needs to be done so that pets stay with us for a very long time?

Photo: Shutterstock

In the wild, all cats live for about five years, less often seven. But the life expectancy of their home relatives is from twelve to twenty-two years.

A big role here is played by the conditions of detention, lifestyle and health status of the cat!

How much does it depend on the breed? If you think that domestic cats are worse than thoroughbred cats, then this is not so. Want to get an animal with a rich pedigree? Ask the breeder for the relevant documents, carefully study the life expectancy of the ancestors of your kitten, determine the risk of hereditary diseases.

Interestingly, among all cats, Siamese are considered centenarians. They live up to thirty years. Persian - up to twenty, the British - up to fifteen. But there are exceptions to any rule. A yard cat can also live with you for a long time, despite the lack of a pedigree.

1. Do not let go for walk unattended

Domestic cats can suffer from dogs, fall under the wheels of a car, children can make fun of them. The pet runs the risk of catching an infection from stray cats.

And in general, getting to know the street in itself sometimes leads to stress, which you definitely do not need.

2. Pet sterilization

If you know in advance that you cannot attach all the kittens in good hands, it is better not to bring them to pregnancy. Keep in mind that pregnancy and childbirth are a huge stress, which is partly why males live longer than females. Sterilization protects the animal from many diseases, improves hormonal levels, prolongs the cat's life by two to three years.

And to all this, it reduces the number of problems with its owner.

On the subject: How long will your dog live and how to prolong its life

3. Monitor your cat’s well-being.

Any behavioral problems indicate illness. Be sure to contact your veterinarian, do not hope that everything goes away on its own. You can also visit a doctor without a reason, just for prevention.

The specialist will make the necessary vaccinations, select the right nutrition, find the hidden diseases in time and help prevent their development.

4. Provide your pet with a healthy diet

This will save him from serious diseases such as obesity, allergies, colitis, and kidney problems. According to the rules, cats are fed three times a day, but so that they do not overeat.

High-quality dry food will saturate your pet with all the minerals and vitamins necessary for it.

However, sometimes you can give cats lean meat of turkey, rabbit, beef, buckwheat, rice and oatmeal, vegetables. Do not mix dry food and natural products in one serving. Otherwise, problems with the stomach or intestines are possible.

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5. Try to do your best for your pet’s active lifestyle.

Remember that cat health is entirely in the hands of its owner. Feeling indifference and lack of attention to themselves, animals live much less than their counterparts, who enjoy the love of all family members.

Constant noise and fuss, physical punishments cause neurosis in cats.

Therefore, a calm, healthy atmosphere in a house with pets is so important. Spend as much time as possible with your tailed friend, give him your love, take care of his needs, and he will live with you for many years.

Original column published in column "The Adventures of a Naturalist" on Yandex.Zen

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