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Simple tests for a child that will tell about his character


Source: Fabiosa

It is often difficult for parents to understand what is going on in the head of their beloved offspring. But you should not run to a psychologist at the first unsuccessful attempts to find a common language with your children.

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Better offer them these simple tests, which help to quickly identify the type of thinking and character traits, offers Fabiosa. Warning: to obtain reliable results, the age of the small test subjects must be at least 4 years old!

1. "Marshmallow test" by Walter Michel

Purpose: determines the type of thinking. Is your child a strategist or tactician?

Inventory: favorite treat (original marshmallow, but optional) and an empty room (without toys, telephone, TV, computer and other entertainment).

Methodology: we put his favorite treat on the table in front of the child and tell him the following: “This sweetness is for you, so you can eat it as soon as you are alone in the room. But if you can wait 10 minutes, then I'll come back with another treat. If there are no treats on the plate, then you will not get the second! ”.

Interpretation of results: depending on the nature, children behave differently. Some eat the treat immediately, while others resist the temptation to the last, but then still give up. Both of these categories are tactics. But there are those who act differently!

According to the observations of psychologists, only 30% of children are able to wait for the return of an adult in order to receive a double reward. From them grow real strategists!

2. Test "Is the porridge sweet or salty?"

Purpose: helps to determine what type of behavior in society is typical for a child: defending one's own opinion (which speaks of leadership qualities) or conformism (passive agreement with the majority opinion).

Inventory: plates with sweet porridge according to the number of family members sitting at the table, including the child.

Methodology: everyone sits down at the table and starts eating. Then one of the adults notices out loud that the porridge is too salty (although in fact it is sweet!). It is important that the child heard this phrase. Then the rest of the family members take turns visually trying porridge and confirm that it is very salty.

When the child's turn comes, we ask him: "Is the porridge sweet or salty?"

Interpretation of results: children who are not ready to “go against the rules” readily agree with the conventional wisdom. If the child answers that his porridge is sweet, then we try the food from his plate and again claim that it is salty. Does the kid continue to insist otherwise? He definitely has leadership qualities!

3. Lead hand test

Purpose: Knowing the leading hemisphere of the child (in most cases it is opposite to the preferred hand), it is possible to determine in which activities it will be easier for him to realize himself. There are a lot of humanities and creative people among the right-brain ones, and excellent businessmen and scientists are made from the left-brain ones. In addition, forcing a left-handed person to actively use his right hand has a negative effect on personality development.

Here is the simplest leading hand test that can be done even with young children. If you get controversial results, then your child is ambidextrous!

Another way: parents can also pay attention to which hand the child uses most often in everyday life (brushing teeth, holding a cup, turning a book over, etc.).

4. Max Luscher color test

Purpose: quick character analysis based on the choice of a particular color. Color preferences indicate a person's psychological state and help define their personality traits.

The easiest version of Luscher's test for small ones: observe which color your child chooses the color of pencils or felt-tip pens during the drawing process.

If kids are simply unable to explain to their parents what worries them, then older children often deliberately hide their emotional problems by going through them alone. We hope that these psychological tests will help you find a common language with your child!

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