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5 simple tips to help you look good on any photo.


Source: Rambler

It seems that photogenicity is something given by nature, because some almost always and without much effort turn out well in pictures. Others, despite their visual appeal, often look in the photo and not nearly as good as in life.

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In reality, all that is needed is to be able to choose angles and avoid some mistakes. How to do everything right, tells Rambler.


Many simply do not know where to put their hands in the photo, but even if you decide to cross them at chest level, you can not stick one limb under the second. It is important that the posture does not seem to be clamped, and you remain relaxed. Another good reception is to put your palms on the waist, which will visually add slimness. But do not be zealous and strain your fingers too much, otherwise you may seem overly aggressive.

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If you want a really good shot, do not let yourself be photographed from above. In this case, the head often seems excessively large compared to the body, unless it is a selfie. In addition, a slimmer face will seem, if you slightly bow your head, giving your forehead a little bit forward, and your chin back.


Very rarely, a photo where a person intentionally tries to look successful is successful. They may be just beautiful, as if you were at a photo shoot, but they do not reveal you completely. For the sake of getting a nice picture, it is enough to keep naturalness and ease in order to look relaxed in the frame.

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Experts recommend never stand right in front of the camera if you do not want to get a passport photo. Firstly, the posture looks unnatural, and secondly, you seem a bit shapeless. It is better to turn a little sideways, putting one foot forward, or at least tilt your head. In addition, you can turn your back, looking back over your shoulder at ease.


For a good photo, you should be able to control your facial expressions, avoiding grimacing, pouting or excessive bending of the eyebrows. In addition, you should not smile in all 32 teeth, as this will only distort the face and add even non-existent wrinkles. You can smile with your eyes or squint a little, while maintaining a natural look.

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