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5 products that increase thirst


ForumDaily Woman

In summer, when it is very hot, the body always requires fluid, preferably cold. But we, without knowing it, consume foods that only increase thirst.

From a physiological point of view, a person consists of a fluid of approximately 65%. About 2 – 2,5 l accounts for daily losses with moderate loads - simply due to the natural activity of the body. In the heat, in sports, with heavy physical work losses increase. It is to compensate for these physiological losses and you need to drink enough fluids throughout the day.
Lack of fluid causes thickening of the blood, which adversely affects the metabolism and oxygen metabolism. At the same time the work of the kidneys and the brain is impeded.

Nutritionists told what products cause thirst. We recommend to exclude them from your summer diet.

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1. Sweet carbonated drinks
Sweet carbonated drinks and fruit juices, as well as lemon juice with sugar, send a signal to the brain that you are thirsty. They all contain sugar, which does not quench thirst, but rather increases it. So they are not suitable for quenching thirst. Milkshakes can also be included there.

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2. Caffeine
Coffee and other caffeinated beverages are diuretics. This means that they can cause dehydration. 2 coffee cups or 200 mg caffeine per day is considered normal. If you cannot tune into a working mood without coffee, be sure to drink plenty of water. But if at the same time you drink a little water, then it is better to refrain from coffee.

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3. Salty foods
Salt is found in most store products, as it is a preservative. But while eating salty foods, the body signals the brain that you are thirsty. This signal occurs because salt removes water from the cells. Stay away from marinade, canned food, fast food and sauces. Acetic acid is present in marinades, which enhances the production of gastric juice. Therefore, eating a crispy cucumber, you eat much more than they wanted. Moreover, sour delicacies have another negative factor - salt, so you will not only eat a lot, but also drink a lot.

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4. Soy sauce
Even in small doses, it can cause dehydration. But soy sauce poses other dangers. For example, in 2013, a teenager in the USA almost died after drinking a bottle of soy sauce on a bet. This product may disturb the electrolyte balance, which is fraught with excess sodium in the blood.

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5. Amplifiers taste
They are part of curry sauces, soups, and instant foods like noodles. Although flavor enhancers improve the taste of dishes, they contain a lot of hazardous sodium. Overuse of flavor enhancers and bouillon cubes can cause dehydration and extreme thirst.
Be sure to follow the intake of flavor enhancers and ready-made foods that have a strong taste, since all this can lead to dehydration and increased thirst.
In addition - fried, fatty and certain types of fish also cause thirst.

And if you overdo it with liquid and you need to remove the puffiness - read this an article.

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