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5 reasons to add sea kale to the diet


Source: MedicForum

Many people know that seaweed is a rich source of iodine - an element that provides healthy functions of the thyroid gland. But experts in the field of nutrition note: for eating the same sea kale (from kelp kelp) there are other reasons.

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Protects against the development of diabetes. Sea kale contains a lot of fiber - a component that effectively helps regulate glucose and insulin levels. Researchers said that using seaweed increases insulin sensitivity, writes MedicForum.

It improves the intestines. Intestinal bacteria break down the fiber contained in seaweed into compounds that contribute to the improvement of the intestinal microflora. Thus, not only the work of the digestive tract is normalized, but the state of health in general.

It contributes to weight loss. Sea kale is ideal for losing weight. First, it is low-calorie. Secondly, it contains alginic acid and fibers, which are practically not digested and act as absorbents in the intestine, bringing toxins and residues of processed fat from the body.

It protects the heart. According to reports, the daily use of a small amount of sea kale, reduces the risk of heart attacks, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the blood. Also, seaweed in the daily diet helps to normalize blood pressure. This affordable product is an excellent source of polyunsaturated essential fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, necessary for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Interferes with the development of cancer. Seaweed has a high content of lignans - substances with an antioxidant effect. This group of phenolic compounds helps block cancer-causing chemicals. According to experts, lignans have not only antitumor activity, they also improve the functioning of the liver and nervous system.

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