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5 hairstyles that only women losers do


Source: Lisa

You do not want to look like a woman who was revenged by a hairdresser for a bad comment? Then never make hairstyles that are suitable only for women who are unlucky.

1. Two ponytails

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Let's be honest: you haven't been 10 for a long time. And not even 15. And even if you decided to go for a walk to the playground, you should not do such a hairstyle, advises Lisa. Women (although it is difficult to call the owners of this hairstyle like that), who choose two tails for themselves, cannot be called successful. They are stuck in childhood, and it is better for them to get out of there as soon as possible.

2. Bouffant

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If you do not want to look like a stall saleswoman from 90's, never do a high bouffant on the back of your head. Believe me, this hairstyle has long been out of fashion, and no self-respecting woman will not allow people to go with her.

3. Curly bangs

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Another “hi from 90's”, which, however, is often found on our women. Forget about her, if you do not want to look like a loser. And yes, “chemistry” is also a relic of the past.

4. Combed hair

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Slicked hair in a tight tail or "shell" - not the best choice. On brunettes, she looks like her hair is stale, and on blondes she looks like you cut your hair bald. If you don’t want to look like an overgrown girl, add a little carelessness to your styling, let loose your hair and release a few strands at the temples.

5. Ultra-short haircut

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A haircut with the style of an army fighter is just as bad an idea as your hair is combed back. With this hairstyle, all the flaws will be visible: wrinkles, acne, fuzzy facial contours. You will be surprised, but even the shape of the skull may seem ugly with such a long hair. Forget about it if you do not want others to think that something goes wrong in your life.

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