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48 hours without light and communication: what a hurricane in an American town can teach

Sergey Evelev

writer, TV and radio host


What does not happen in life. The world collapsed yesterday. Not just a little, partially, but completely, all to pieces crumbled. As a result of a small hurricane that swept through our town, electricity went out, and, accordingly, the Internet, TV with it, and life ... froze.

Photo: Shutterstock

We somehow already forgot what we have, got used to it, and the experiment turned out to be very timely. It was impossible to get through to any repair service. They are still spitting from the coronavirus, but here, here you are, hello, a hurricane. True, many trees fell, wires were torn, roads were blocked ... Where can you go? One word is Nature. She has her own rules, ideas, character too, wayward, of course. That's why she and nature ... Mother ... And since she is a mother, I have to live with it. And endure her vybryk. But that's not what I mean.

In these forty-eight hours of life without light and connection with the World Wide Web, unable to communicate with those with whom I was used to using a convenient and proven method, I suddenly realized that the next world war would probably do without tanks and guns. They are useless today. One week in this status, and any country will ask for mercy. Deprive it of energy supply and do not give people and businesses the opportunity to communicate - that's all. A week, I think, will be enough. Well, for consolidation, you can extend it to a month. But a month - even no one will survive. Mess, robberies, murders - all this will start quickly enough, and even if they turn everything on later, return any country to the old rails, where there is no order, discipline, working transport, food in the store, electricity, water, telephone communication - it will be enough difficult, and as an option - absolutely impossible.

And I thought, why is this so, what is the main problem here? People lived without electricity, and they rode horse-drawn carts, they drew water from a well, baked bread themselves, and there was no talk of telephones (this innovation is just over a hundred years old). How did we get so fucked up? It turns out that now our whole life is hanging on the threads of modern conveniences and achievements, which can be torn in one second and we ... perished. What to do, how to be and is there any solution to this serious problem? I thought, thought, read, looked everywhere for answers and found nothing. And I realized that we got into a galoshe, or rather, we got into a mousetrap. There was cheese. Now he is gone, they ate everything. The door slammed and we stayed inside. No way out. Irrevocably. For a long time. Perhaps even forever.

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I am translating into understandable language.

We are so accustomed to the fact that there is no need to go to the toilet in the forest, water is on the tap, the Internet is in the air and ... everywhere, the light is from a light bulb on demand, and the mobile phone works and in most cases there is a signal ... that take it from us, and civilization kayuk, kaput, that is. We will not survive. Most of us are so sure.

They conducted an experiment in London. Seven hundred men were selected. They were offered ten thousand pounds each to take their cell phones from them for a month and see what happened. There were those willing. We handed over the phones. A month has passed. Most of the participants went to a psychologist to get treatment for depression. Some, simply could not stand it, jumped, some from the bridge, some from the window (I'm not kidding).

And this is a few people, only mobile phones - and only one month.

People do not know how to make fires, hunt game, skin it. One in a million understands how to find their way through the moon and the moss in the trees. Why the sun? Where is which east, and how does Africa differ from Kyrgyzstan? Few people can pick berries, mushrooms, ravage birds' nests in search of eggs, set traps for small rodents, and even for big game. Our distant ancestors knew how to do all this. True, they did not know about cars, airplanes, electricity and the world wide web. But on the other hand, they managed to survive both the hot summer and the harsh winter. And food supplies were made, and skins were made, and tools were made. And we? What are the skills we need to survive?


Which is not a problem if they are never needed. What if suddenly? What we are going to do? On the run, on the go you can't learn. These are years of constant training with practical exercises every day.

Three days have passed. The lights were turned on, the gas was turned on, the water started flowing, the Internet started working, the TV began to purr ... and everyone drove on, instantly forgetting what had happened. But I have not forgotten and thought about this: nature constantly tells us what not to do, and we do not pay any attention to it, for which sooner or later we will have to pay, or rather, we already have to. Ozone with a hole, ice melts, animals and fish disappear, poisoned rivers flow into the seas. The remaining fish is eating it. Then we eat this fish ...

And suddenly a strange thought came to me: what if such short episodes of complete disconnection from all modern gadgets and technological benefits, the presence of which we in our daily running and do not notice, are sent to us as a signal? Maybe you need to notice, react? Train, perhaps, a little? Stock up? Prepare for a prolonged shutdown in the event ... Yes, it does not matter in which case. In some. And if you never have to, that's fine. Stock, it does not harm and it is not necessary to feed it, and knowledge is never superfluous. Anyway, they will come in handy someday.

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Therefore, I sit and draw up a training program. I do not recommend this to anyone. Most likely, you will laugh and decide that everything is nonsense. It may well be so. Although ... Who knows what lies ahead? My philosophy is this: you'd better be prepared for what is never needed than you will be caught off guard and you will regret not being prepared. Could ...

And yours, my friends? What is your philosophy? Share with the people, do not be greedy.

And thank you all in advance.

If you want to talk with me about it - go to my page in facebook.

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