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29-year-old virgin became pregnant with IVF, not to sleep with men



A 29-year-old Canadian named Lauren (complete withheld) is disgusted even at the thought of sex, which has affected her lifestyle. But the woman decided to get pregnant with the help of artificial insemination, and she succeeded.

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Never having an affinity with a man, Lauren became pregnant with the help of artificial insemination technology. "Canadian Virgin" plans to abstain from sex and after her child is born, writes

A young woman is diagnosed with hypopituitarism - with this deviation, a sufficient amount of hormones responsible for libido is not released. In an interview with the portal Vice Lauren admitted that she matured much more slowly than her peers and from childhood took estrogen preparations that helped her eggs form. But, despite the therapy, the boys did not interest her at all.

“I have kissed the only time in my life. I can say that this is a disgusting process. Sex is probably even worse, ”she said in an interview.

According to Lauren, she wanted to be a mother several years ago. Since lovemaking immediately rejected, there was IVF. But doctors warned: she can become pregnant only on condition that she uses donor eggs.

Lauren had to accept the fact that she was actually carrying a biologically alien child to her, conceived using donor biomaterials. She was not immediately able to get pregnant, but after several attempts, the doctors told the Canadian that she would soon become a mother.

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