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15 things not worth buying at airports


Source: Delfi Tourist

The airport is always associated with strong emotions - vacation, travel, faces of loved ones, returning home. But another strong airport association is high cost. Reader's Digest says you should never buy at airports.

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1. Wifi

Often we need the Internet not only for entertainment, but also for work or to learn something important, reminds Delfi Tourist. If you do not have mobile Internet, then by no means pay for wireless Internet at airports - they take advantage of the fact that, having passed a security check, passengers become literally their hostages. Wi-fi for money is usually very slow and expensive. But on the other hand, if you are flying on vacation, then all your letters can wait - then he is on vacation. Instead of burying yourself in a mobile device, it’s better to read a book, grab your hands with needlework, play or just meditate.

2. Electronics

If you managed to give up the Internet, then you can be seduced by countless shops of new sparkling electronics, even if you need some little thing like a forgotten house charging for a phone or headphones. However, try to calm yourself. The fact is that the electronics in airport stores are on average 34 percent more expensive than in ordinary stores. And demanded chargers can cost even twice as much. If you have no other choice (for example, you need to make an important call or you have an 6-hour flight), then do not be too lazy to go around several shops and kiosks to find the lowest price.

3. Food

If you have the opportunity, always eat tight before going to the airport. But try not to buy food at the airport - it usually costs several times more, is not very tasty and not very useful. Moreover, travelers often eat at the airport not because they are hungry, but because they are bored.

On the subject: What food is better not to buy at airports

4. Water and other drinks

The airport and airplanes usually have very dry air, so it’s important to drink plenty of water. But since water and liquids cannot be carried through a security check, an empty reusable bottle or flask that can be filled with tap water in the toilet is a great idea. Maybe this is not the most impressive advice, but paying exorbitantly for what you can get for free is stupid. The most important thing is that the bottle is not made of plastic.

5. Souvenirs

We often want to bring souvenirs from our trips, but do not buy them at the airport. Usually they are given breathtaking mark-ups, so buy souvenirs in the place where you arrived, and not, for example, in duty-free.

6. Currency

Never change the currency at the airports, since there they rely on unprepared and absent-minded travelers, and since the airports have rather little competition, the exchange rate is usually extremely cruel to the wallet. One solution is to wait until you are in the city to withdraw cash from an ATM. Such a solution will be much more profitable for you.


7. Neck pillows

If you have a long flight, then take care of a pillow for the neck in advance and in no case do not buy pillows in stores at the airport. The point is not even that they cost two to three times more expensive, but that dozens or even hundreds of people have touched and felt them before you. It is unlikely that you will want to touch such a pillow with your face.

8. Medicines

If you do not tolerate flights, then try chewing green apples, crackers or herbal candies. If you can’t do without medicine, then buy it before arriving at the airport, since at the airports the margin for drugs is completely cosmic.

On the subject: Why do flight attendants not eat in flight

9. Car rental

If you want to get a good car, then reserve it in advance through the official portal of agencies, and not at airports. Not only will you have to defend a long line, but the choice will be very limited.

10. Suitcase

If you bought too many things on a trip and are thinking of buying an extra suitcase at the airport? Think again. Yes, you buy a nice suitcase and pay for it like a golden one, but the quality is unlikely to match the price tag.

11. Fiction on the road

The brain always wants to be busy, so a good book is your best friend while waiting for a flight. But do not buy books at the airport. Firstly, they are much more expensive. Secondly, only best sellers sell in bookstores and you are unlikely to find something really worth its price. Thirdly, you can always take a book from home.

12. Chocolate

Chocolate is good for the brain, but you should not buy it at airports, and even more so in Duty-free stores. Take a look at the prices and you will understand that in a regular store the same chocolate will cost several times cheaper. Yes, here the packaging is bigger and more elegant, but do you need so much chocolate, and even at such a high price?

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13. Alcohol

Many passengers buy alcohol in Duty-Free stores, because they are convinced that they will save a fortune on taxes. But in fact, this amount will not cover the frenzied mark-up - the final price can be more than twice as high as the cost of the same bottle of alcohol outside the airport.

14. Perfumery

Often at airports in perfumery departments you can buy fake perfumes or eau de toilette. By the way, even the seller himself may not be aware that he is trading in a fake. Therefore, it is best to buy perfumes from a trusted seller or in a company store.

15. Parking

Airport parking, short or long term, is usually very expensive. If you have the opportunity, then look for private secure parking near the airport, as many of them sometimes provide a free transfer for car owners.

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