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Psychological tricks to instantly please others


Source: Cluber

If you think about it, a person sends signals to others every day, without even realizing it. All our actions and actions carry a certain meaning ...

Photo: Shutterstock

We all know how difficult it is for other people to like, no matter how much you want it. However, research in the field of psychology has shown that you can create a strategic plan to ensure the effective development of relationships with others, writes Cluber.

And although many of the techniques listed below may seem unconvincing to you, psychologists say they actually work very well.

If you think about it, a person sends signals to others every day, without even realizing it. All our actions and actions carry a certain meaning, starting with the strength of our handshake and ending with how we conduct conversation.

1. Reflection tactics

Reflection (or “mirroring”) occurs when we quietly copy other people's behavior. Try during a conversation with another person to copy his facial expressions or how he behaves and how he speaks.

2. Request for service

Benjamin Franklin said: "The one who once did you a favor is more inclined to do it again than the one to whom you owe it."

Scientists tested this theory, putting the task of asking the other participants for help. Those who were asked for personal service by the researchers received higher marks than others.

3. Appeal by name

After finding out the name of a person, immediately use it in any of the sentences. People like to hear their name, it gives them a sense of importance. Instead, they are more likely to get close to you.

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4. Flattery

Just do not overdo it. Insincere flattery does more harm than good. Therefore, let it be deserved.

This technique does not always work. If you praise a person with such high self-esteem, he will regard it as a recognition of his undeniable value. But if the object of your flattery becomes one who underestimates himself, he may begin to be hostile to you, because you interfere with what he sees himself.

5. Manners

If in a society you are constantly in a good mood, then the so-called phenomenon of emotional contagion comes into play, when people's mood changes under the influence of someone else's mood.

As a result, people will begin to associate your presence with a sense of their own happiness, and therefore will be more inclined to spend time in your company.

6. Weak sides

If you create the impression of an exceptionally competent person, then periodically, but briefly, dropping the protection and exposing your shortcomings will show other people that they can rely on you.

7. Similarity search and emphasis

Theodore Newcomb conducted a study in which he found that people were drawn to those who shared their views. He called it the effect of interpersonal attraction. Find what unites you and pay attention to it.

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8. Open palms instead of fingers

Legoland employees are taught to never point customers in the right direction with their fingers. Why? Such a gesture carries an aggressive and rude undercurrent. Instead, use your palms - it tells the other person that you can be trusted.

9. Joy

If you demonstrate your joy to others, they will automatically do the same to you. Agree, the perfect way to reproduce a great first impression.

10. Repetition of hearsay

People are more likely to be influenced by those who understand them. To show a person that you understand him and somehow emphasize this, repeat his words when he speaks to you. This will show that you listen to him carefully and that these words are important to you.

11. Nod back

If scientists are to be believed, then people are more inclined to accept your opinion, if during a conversation you nod to them. In addition, if a person nods quite often, then the other person will soon begin to do the same.

12. See people the way they want to be looked at

All people want to be seen as they see themselves. Psychologists call this the theory of self-verification.

In one of the studies, participants with positive and negative self-perception were asked in which society of people they would prefer to be: among those who treat them negatively, or among those who are positive. Participants with negative self-conceit preferred the first option, and self-confident - the second.

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