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Twelve signs that you're getting old


Source: Myjane

Wrinkles and gray hair - manifestations of the aging process, which began much earlier, someone at forty, and someone at thirty, writes Myjane. There are certain signs that your body has begun to age, and these processes can be both reversible and irreversible. The sooner you notice the onset of change, the more likely it is to stop or slow it down.

Photo: Shutterstock

You lose your hair profusely, and not only on the head

Few in old age can boast a thick head of hair, and this will not surprise anyone. But if you are far from the calendar age, and you notice “gaps” on the head, arms, legs, or, um, other places, then your body is aging faster than you think. Such thinning is often accompanied by hypothyroidism, a decrease in thyroid function, which, as a rule, is accompanied by other signs of aging - edema, weight gain, fatigue, poor memory. Therefore, if you notice thinning or absence of hair, and especially in the area of ​​eyebrows and big toes, then you need to check the blood for thyroid hormones.

You can't lift a heavy thing

If it became difficult for you to raise a bucket with water in the country, pick up a bag full of food on the fifth floor or throw a full canister in the trunk, then this is not the helplessness of a “weak woman”, but the beginning of aging. Muscle strength is a good indicator of biological age, because muscle mass decreases very rapidly with age, by about 10% every 10 years. Fortunately, this process can be stopped and even reversed. It is possible to build muscle mass with the help of strength exercises and increasing the consumption of protein foods.

Wounds heal slowly

One of the signs of aging that is often ignored is that the body recovers from wounds and injuries much more slowly. The skin is the largest organ of the body, and in its normal state it has an amazing ability to heal itself. Therefore, if this ability is impaired, then it indicates the processes of inflammation occurring at the cellular level. And one of the consequences of such cellular inflammation is cell aging.

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You have more wrinkles than peers

Wrinkles and sagging of the skin is an undoubted sign of aging of the skin, but the time and speed of their formation can be caused both by genetics and by the lifestyle: smoking, love of sunburn, neglect of personal care and physical exertion, poor diet. Whatever the ads say, remove the wrinkles that appear with the help of creams alone, without plastic surgery, will not work. So there is nothing better than preventive measures. A diet rich in fish, vegetables and fruits, protecting the skin with sunscreen and proper moisturizing of the skin can prevent the appearance of early wrinkles and sagging of the skin even with unfavorable heredity.

You became heavy lifting

Have you ceased to “wind up” something that you have always liked, whether it be parties with friends, travel, hobbies or sex? Sometimes it seems that life does not make sense at all? It happens that mental aging is ahead of the physical, and it also can not be discounted. Especially since they are closely related, and one quickly follows another. Such a loss of interest in life cannot be treated without due attention, because it may be based on depression or fatigue, which, in general, are quite successfully treated. But if you let them go of their own accord, then if they do not shorten your life, they will make it much less happy.

You can no longer open a bottle or can of canned food

Studies show that the strength of the grip of the hand is directly related to age, because it is an indicator of the loss of both muscle mass and muscle strength. In addition, the weakening of the seizure force can also be a sign that brain functions are slowing down, that is, that the brain has begun to age. Most likely, this is due to the age-related decrease in the white matter of the brain, the part of the brain responsible for the efficient processing of information.

Your favorite pants are tight at the waist, but loose at the hips.

A sudden set of fat deposits in the abdomen (like "apple") - a sign of age-related hormonal changes, that is, perimenopause. Usually this period is accompanied by the onset of loss of bone and muscle mass, which leads to a decrease in the volume of the hips, thinning of the legs and a decrease in growth. Of course, poor fit of your favorite pants is the least evil, since these signs can lead to serious health problems, including metabolic syndrome, arthritis or osteoporosis. Fortunately, the changes that have begun are easy to reverse by making small changes to the diet and starting to play sports on a regular basis.

The skin begins to dry

In young healthy people, the skin is moisturized and regenerated with amazing efficiency. If necessity forces you to use moisturizers and lotions intensively, and your skin still dries and peels off, then this can also be a sign of hypothyroidism, a condition that quickly leads to aging of the body. The appearance of various types of dermatitis and eczema may indicate disorders in the absorption of nutrients and microelements, which often occurs with age-related changes in the functions of the intestine.

On the subject: Foods and nutrients that actually slow aging: your doctor's advice

Face looks hollowed or haggard

Loss of bone mass on the face, unfortunately, is a normal element of aging. With age, the cheeks begin to tumble, lips thin, and temples, on the contrary, to speak. Sometimes it makes a person look older than his age, even more than wrinkles or gray hair. Many people themselves accelerate this process due to smoking, improper diet, poor vascular condition, or dramatic weight loss after menopause. The best way to combat bone loss during menopause is to eat right, with a lot of dairy products, be physically active and avoid sudden weight fluctuations.

You sleep like a baby

That is, at night you often wake up, and during the day they nod. This is usually associated with high levels of cortisol, also known as the stress hormone. Increasing cortisol is an age-related inevitability, but with accompanying stress, it can rise too sharply, causing problems, including sleep. Unfortunately, cortisol levels not only increase with age, but also cause us to age faster, forming a kind of vicious circle, and also contribute to weight gain, reduced immunity and the appearance of chronic illnesses. So stress needs to be learned to effectively take off.

You have pigmented spots.

The love of tanning without the use of sunscreens leads to early aging of the skin - a decrease in collagen production, the appearance of wrinkles and age spots. The appearance of age spots is one of the earliest signs of sun damage, because melanin accumulates under the skin for a long time, and begins to manifest itself with age.

The menstrual cycle becomes unpredictable.

For women, a failure in the regularity and predictability of menstruation is one of the earliest signs of aging, which can begin as early as 15 years before menopause. At the age of 30 and 40, few people would think to associate menstrual irregularities with aging, but nevertheless this is exactly the case. Impaired hormone production very quickly leads to other signs: fluctuations in weight, a decrease in muscle and bone mass, loss of strength, etc. Therefore, the slightest change in the menstrual cycle should not be neglected.

The aging process can be delayed by asking this as soon as possible. To do this, in general, a little bit: give up smoking, try to eat right and at least sometimes give yourself exercise.

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