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12 mistakes you make when defending against coronavirus


Source: Letidor

Check if you are wasting time and effort on futile activities, recommends "Letidor".

Photo: Shutterstock

Few people manage to sit back when every second news tells about the insidious Covid-19.

We are against panic, for common sense and verified information, therefore, we compiled a memo of 10 points - how to really protect yourself and your family from the coronavirus. Use it in everyday life and make no mistakes from our list. What not to do as part of your health care?

Constantly masked

Psychologically, it’s simpler - some, but protection. The key word, alas, is "no." If you are sick, sneezing and coughing, then the mask will protect others from infection. If you are healthy, then you will simply breathe stale air through a moist piece of tissue that traps viruses and promotes their reproduction.

Do not wear a mask on the street - viruses die in the air, and breathing through the mask when walking fast is dangerous, a lack of oxygen leads to poor health.

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Do not change the mask as often as necessary

An ordinary disposable mask lasts about two hours, after that there is no sense in it, and vice versa - people will think that they are protected from your coughing and sneezing, and will not stay away.

Drink a lot of vitamins

Most doctors say that good nutrition provides our body with enough vitamins and minerals. And taking all kinds of vitamin complexes and dietary supplements, especially at an increased dosage, can cause allergies and other unpleasant consequences.

Avoid fresh air.

Walking in poorly populated places and airing are good disease prevention. If you are not at risk (the elderly, people with cancer, hypertension, diabetes), you can and should walk.

However, try not to get in close contact with other people. A distance of 1-1,5 m is enough.

Airing is generally shown to everyone.

Taking drugs randomly

There is no cure for coronavirus, and complications must be treated in a hospital. Uncontrolled cough medication and even more antibiotics will undermine the immune system, the same applies to inhalation.

Believe any advice online

Even if the blogger-thousandth advises to sew a clove of garlic to the mask or apply propolis or recommends miraculous tincture on alder buds, you should not believe him.

An exception is doctors with a name that value their reputation.

On the subject: Do not get sick or infect: 10 important rules for self-isolation during a coronavirus pandemic

Replace hand washing with an antiseptic

Hand treatment with water and soap is the most reliable way to prevent and the best way to cleanse.

Antibacterial wipes and alcohol solutions are a necessary measure in conditions where there is no access to water.

Wash hands forgetting about face

Viruses also accumulate on the skin of the face, therefore, when you come home, not only wash your hands, but also wash your face thoroughly. It is possible without soap, it will be enough to wash just running water.

Go to the doctor at the first symptoms so as not to “miss” the disease

Any clinic is a place of accumulation of infections. If you have a high fever, there is chest pain and shortness of breath, then you need to call a doctor. Optional trips to the clinic only increase the risk of infection.

Experts recommend postponing all non-urgent visits - professional examinations, dental cleanings, etc.

Take grandchildren to grandparents

Sit at home, we ourselves will come and visit - a good tactic, but not now. Children often carry the disease and can transmit the virus to older people. Master video calls!

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Use aggressive detergents for cleaning.

Under normal conditions, regular wet cleaning and airing is sufficient; there is no point in washing the apartment with bleach and other strong means, especially if there are small children in the house.

There is also no need to additionally process outerwear.

Strictly abide by the post

There is a point of view that switching to a vegetarian table for everything else is good for health. But doctors have a different point of view: the lack of animal protein and iron harms the immune system. Many priests recommend relief, especially for those at risk.

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