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10 habits of women that men just hate


Source: Bagel

In relationships, everything is not always smooth, but there are moments that we can control. For example, not to show each other to emotions and not to swear over little things, the portal writes. Bagel.

Photo: Shutterstock

Psychologist and sexologist Victoria Pashinskaya named 10 habits of women that greatly annoy men.

  1. Talk in detail about your ex

A man will not like comparing himself to someone in about the same way as you will imagine a loved one in the arms of another woman. ⠀

  1. Deliberately provoke his jealousy

Women, by the way, are also far from delighted with this feeling. But if we, feeling a prick of jealousy, try to do everything to regain his attention, then the man will most likely be tormented, angry, or simply leave.

  1. Arriving at the restaurant, order "only salad"

You are absolutely right to watch your figure! But your man was so happy to invite you and wanted to share the pleasure with you ... In other words, it is better to discuss your diet with a nutritionist, and spend time with your loved one in pleasure.

  1. Spend hours in the bathroom

Firstly, it is much more pleasant to put yourself in order calmly when no one is rushing. And secondly, it is really difficult for him to understand what you are doing there for so long: after all, 5 minutes will be enough for him to get ready.

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  1. Speak in hints

A man will definitely not understand that he is simply obliged to do something that you did not ask him to do. You shouldn't even hope that he will start reading your mind: alas, it doesn't work that way!

  1. Demand heart-to-heart talk

Happiness is when you are understood. But if a woman can easily and with pleasure talk about her experiences, then a man has such a talent - a rarity. Do not be offended: boys are raised this way from childhood, and it will not be possible to change the situation quickly. Show tact and patience: little by little, he will learn to trust you more.

  1. Meet his friends with hostility

In this case, direct criticism is doomed to failure. Let it be obvious to you that they influence him in the most inappropriate way, there is nothing you can do about it: this is the very “holy male friendship”.

  1. Believe that “they are all the same”

Such a cliché can destroy any potential union. Whoever we are talking about, it is guaranteed to infuriate both men and women - at least there is certainly no difference between us.

  1. Suppress him by being right

This is the moment when you are tempted to say: "You see, but I told you so!" Just don't do it. He is already embarrassed, and if there is a big trouble, then in general he wants to sink into the ground.

  1. Take him shopping

Yes, it would be very nice if you could go shopping all day together. But if for him this is not a pleasure, but the time spent on endless waiting at the fitting rooms, then it is better to go shopping with a friend.

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