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10 ways to keep calm in all situations

Elizaveta Lubleva

Doctor of Psychology


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The process of adaptation in the new country is accompanied by many stressful situations. Even if the housing issue has already been resolved, you need to look for work, make friends, talk with teachers at school. Faced with real problems in the family and at work, a person in one way or another is subject to strong emotional experiences that cause dangerous consequences for health and personal activity. The ability to adapt to the critical moments of life can be developed through special methods and exercises.

Peace of mind can be achieved and enjoyed, even leading a normal, ordinary life, having work and family.

Peace of mind is not stability! This is a changing condition that fluctuates within a certain norm, and is acceptable for a particular person. "Golden mean", falling into which we can answer the questions posed and make an informed choice, despite external contradictions. Each has a different comfort zone. What is good for you may be perceived differently by others.

Surely among your friends, you will find married couples who are noisy and constantly find out the relationship. Sometimes it can go as far as battering. However, after a few hours or days, they again celebrate the holiday of love for each other. For my family, and the share of what happens in such a relationship would seem devastating. These are differences in the limits of the norm for the family and separately for each of its members.

Ways to Achieve Shaky "Peace of Mind"

The ability to find emotional tranquility and come to a certain emotional balance, prevents stress and fear, awakens inner strength and confidence.
Imagine how great it would be to remain calm, focused and imperturbable by the circumstances and the people!
Instead of worrying and fearing, instead of thinking about negative situations and expecting the worst, instead of being tense, dissatisfied and unhappy, you can choose to remain emotionally and mentally balanced and unshakable. You can experience inner peace and happiness, as well as inner strength and confidence.

Can positive thoughts reflect on us more than just a smile on your face? - YES!! Our brain is programmed to respond to negative emotions by disconnecting from the outside world and not noticing alternative options for action. Why composure and ability to restrain their emotions are almost the most important qualities of a good boxer? Because anger and emotions in battle narrow mental abilities and do not allow to show tactical thinking. Look at the list of upcoming cases for the day, find it not very real and can not proceed with the implementation? Yes, you were paralyzed by the horror of contemplating a long list of tasks.

Do you feel lousy because you don’t care about your health? Now all your thoughts come down to what you are wimps, lazy and loafers. Positive thinking is a choice. After all, you have the right to think about things that lift your spirits, open a more constructive look at difficult situations and “paint” your day with brighter, more optimistic approaches to what you are doing. If you give preference to a positive worldview, you will step out of the negative frame of thinking that limits your life, and you will see that life is filled with opportunities and solutions, not anxieties and barriers.

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Stress prevention methods:

1. Take responsibility for your attitude to life. You are solely responsible for your thoughts. If only a negative comes to your mind, you yourself lead to it.

2. Discover the power of positive thinking. If you decide to think more positively, you ...: prolong your life; experience less depression and stress; improves mental and physical condition; better cope with stress; become more prone to serious relationships and building strong bonds.

3. Diary of their thoughts and feelings. Identify your involuntary negative thoughts. Writing down daily thoughts, you will be able to follow the tendency to form your positive and negative thinking. Record emotions that occur during the day, mark what events they occur. Sometimes negative thoughts are like the background of our daily life. Such records will allow a detached look at events happening to you.

4. Redefine your own negative thoughts. When negative thoughts come to you, especially involuntary bad thoughts, stop and analyze how true and accurate they are. Try to replace the clearly negative words with softer, more acceptable for our practice. When a person is in a depressed state, it is difficult for him to find positive words, but it is precisely a change of wording that will help find the right solution.

5. Minimize external influences, unwanted contacts that stimulate your negative. It may be that certain genres of music or violent video games and movies affect your overall condition. Try to minimize contact with stressful or violent factors and spend more time reading or listening to soothing music, close to nature. Often in our notebook there are telephones of people, communication with which causes irritation, anxiety, alarm. We all have the power to exclude these people from the list of "friends" and constant communication.

6. Avoid "filtered thinking" and "catastrophe." This means that you only see the negative side of the situation. Most situations are both positive and negative elements, and you should recognize them all. This is usually associated with the fear of not coping. To deal with catastrophe, realistically assess the possible outcomes of the situation.

7. Develop attentiveness. While living life on autopilot, you will soon forget how to find joy in everyday things for yourself. By paying attention to your surroundings, your choices and your daily activities, you will gain greater control over your life and sense of joy.

8. Grow in creativity. Spend a little time on art, do something with your own hands, or explore your most original ideas - all of this can wake up the power to think outside the box and, therefore, to think positively.

9. Set deliberate goals. Whatever your goal, constantly work on it and believe in the task set before you. When you reach your first goal, you will be inspired and happily proceed to the rest, and also begin to set new ones. With each goal achieved, however small, your confidence and self-esteem will grow, filling your life with positive things.

10. Let yourself be different. You are a living person and should not please everyone. Each of us lives in several systems at the same time. Family, parental, system of the company in which you work. To be "good" at the same time in each of them will not succeed, and you will have to accept this. For example, when you need to go to work on a day off and support the system - work / career, you take away part of the resource from the system - family (you can not spend time with children or spouse). Also, leaving the parental family in his life, the young man takes part of the resources (attention, time, money earned) with him into his own life and directs them to build future relationships.

When your emotions are in the “golden mean,” what people think or say about you does not affect you, there are no obsessive thoughts. You are not affected by events or difficulties, you maintain a state of inner balance, clarity of judgment in any situation.

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I wish good luck to everyone!
Your consultant in the world of psychology Dr.Liza

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