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Ten trick words that sound the same in Russian and English


Source: Yandex

For an Englishman, a “store” doesn’t mean a place to go shopping for groceries, just as for an American a cartridge is not ammunition. Having met with a foreigner on vacation abroad, you can easily understand each other exactly the opposite, although it seems to you that you use the simplest words possible, write

Lunatic and Lunatic. Collage: Shutterstock

10 words that sound the same in Russian and English, but have different meanings.

Lunatic and Lunatic

Do not call an American friend a sleepwalker, even if he walks at night - he will be offended. The thing is that the English word lunatic is translated into Russian as "crazy, crazy." The person walking in a dream is designated in English as sleepwalker ("walking in a dream"). The horror film according to the scenario of Stephen-guess-with-what-name will not let lie.

Episode and Episode

In Russian, the word "episode" means an excerpt or a separate scene, not a completed work, while the English episode is a full-fledged episode of the series. True, recently, an “episode” in the meaning of “series” has been taking root with us, primarily due to the popularity of series.

Baton and baton

In French, baton is a stick. In Russia they adopted this word and, for some similarities in form, they called it so oblong bread. In turn, the British, borrowing the same baton, called it so not a wheat rifled at all, but ... a police baton. Well, or a conductor’s stick.

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Routine and Routine

For us, routine is following a familiar pattern, something performed mechanically. In England and the USA, routine is the usual routine of life, without a hint of dullness. Example: My morning routine has to inspire me, which translates as "My morning routine should inspire me."

Caucasian and Caucasian

It is not necessary to be born in the Caucasus in order to hear Caucasian in your address in English-speaking countries, because all people of European appearance are called by this word. For example, this word can be indicated in the questionnaire if you want to indicate ethnicity (for example, when making an appointment with a doctor).

Self-taught translators, for example, from among those who are in a hurry to translate the newly released series of popular TV shows (so that their voice acting is the very first), they still translate Caucasian with enviable regularity on the basis of “how it is heard and written”. Sometimes causing the viewer indescribable surprise when he sees on the screen the next "Caucasian" with the appearance of Mads Mikkelsen.

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Shop and Magazine

Once abroad, the Russians may well say: “I'm going to the magazine.” But they will understand such a phrase completely wrong, because magazine in English is a magazine. If you want to shop, say store. Well, or shop.

Student and Student

Even with such a seemingly simple word, confusion may arise, because the English speakers use student not only for students of universities or colleges, but also for schoolchildren. So do not be surprised if you hear that an 8-year-old child is also a student.

Decade and Decade

This word is confused even by translators. In both Russian and English, the term was borrowed from Greek, where deka is “ten”. The catch is that in Russia the “decade” most often means ten days, while in the English decade it is always 10 years.

Patron and Patron

Having heard the English patron, do not rush to strain: it is not about ammunition at all. In the USA or England, this word refers to a regular customer or sponsor who is ready to support something financially. Well, in French le patron - and even the boss or boss.

Expertise and Expertise

This term came from the Latin expertus (experienced) and in Russian was fixed as the name of the process of developing an expert assessment or conclusion. In English, expertise is the designation of the expert opinion itself. Example: He has considerable expertise in Russian history - “She has extensive knowledge in Russian history.”

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