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10 days before summer - 10 steps to slimness

Anna Garnets

Fitness trainer, author of HitFit weight loss method


We can already begin the long-awaited countdown of days and meet the summer.
Today we will talk about how to spend these days with benefit.
All 10 simple action that will make you healthier, thinner and more active.


No matter how trite it may sound, but as long as your diet is not balanced, no sport and expensive cosmetics will help you to shine from the inside.
Give up the extra calories that come with sweets, your favorite mojito and latte.
Breakfast starts with the right carbohydrates (cereal, cereal bread, vegetables and greens).
Add each meal with a portion of vegetable or animal protein.
Stand up intervals and do not intercept what is bad, between meals.
Light salad for dinner no later than 19: 00.
Eat slowly and do not be distracted by anything! Remove gadgets and just learn to enjoy the process.
Is it difficult? Not!
A little imagination and desire - and the simplest products turn into culinary masterpieces, and you are getting good and losing weight every day.

Tough, indigestible fibers are not only a great “brush” for the stomach, but also food for your beneficial microbes, which protect you and your body from harmful attacks every day.
Start adding 30 grams of bran to food and increase the portion of vegetables relative to protein foods to 1: 3.

It is the source of life around and within us.
How much clean water do you usually drink?
Test yourself and try to drink 2-2,5 liters of water per day for 10 days.
Your skin will become softer, dryness will go away from the most vulnerable places (shins, elbows), you can also forget about edema.
Even if your body does not ask for water right now, try drinking an alarm clock and you will notice that the feeling of thirst will begin to come by itself.
It is important to remember that coffee, tea and other drinks are not included in this volume of liquid taken per day.

You used to add some salt, can you imagine the taste of food otherwise?
And you know that often it is the excess salt that keeps the hated pair of kg in the form of fluid in the body.
Try cooking without salt for 10 days and use lemon juice, a mixture of peppers, dry or fresh herbs to improve the taste of the dishes.
Here I give 100% guarantee that there will be a minus on the scales!
(The norm of salt that a healthy person should consume is 5 grams per day, but it should be borne in mind that salt is already contained in many foods).

Did you know that we lose weight in a dream?
Start going to bed an hour earlier, even if you cannot fall asleep right away.
Remove all irritants, turn off the TV and hide the phone away, just lie down in silence and stay alone with your thoughts.
Scientists have proven that if you go to bed between 21: 00 and 22: 00, then aging will be slower.
Over time, you will get up earlier, and you will have extra time for daily exercises and favorite body treatments.

Just start walking more than usual.
Move at home, go out for groceries without a car, go for a walk with friends, go shopping.
During 10 days, add an extra hour of walking at an average pace.
This will add the consumption of daily calories and in a complex with a balanced diet will show a minus on the scales.

This word evokes the image of a long-haired girl who walks barefoot in the snow in frost and jumps into an ice-hole, but hardening is not only about experiencing maximum temperature drops.
Make the water temperature a few degrees lower during the shower, and then increase back to the usual.
So repeat 5-10 once in a row every morning, and you will see how much cheerfulness appear, how the body will become more resilient.
This is especially useful for those who suffer from varicose veins and vascular networks.
Chamomile sunk, strain and pour into ice molds. Every morning, wipe the area under the eyes, and you will notice that puffiness and bags
will be less.

Always moisturize your body after shower with a nourishing cream. Our water is so saturated with aggressive ingredients that every time the skin gets stressed.
Please note that you need a nourishing or moisturizing cream or milk, oils are not suitable for moisturizing the body.
Put a hand cream jar in a prominent place and use it at every convenient situation.
10 days of such procedures - and your body will demand your favorite cream every evening, and you yourself will not feel comfortable enough without this ritual.

9. SIT
Total 10 days of regular squats will help you see how your buttocks shape changes.
Start today and do 20-30 times.
Add 10-20 repetitions every day, so that you can do 100 times on the last day of summer.
Is this a frightening number you can't do?
Nonsense! If you want to see the result, then just start doing it, get distracted by the movie or listen to music, but do it.

Stop looking for flaws in yourself every day and start visualizing.
Imagine throughout all the days of 10 what you would like to look like, think over the details and look for the feeling of being slim and healthy at the level of feelings.
Do it like a ritual before bed - positive thinking and a clear understanding of the goal will help you get closer to it as quickly as possible.


These instructions may seem commonplace to someone, but I know for sure that most girls do not perform even one-third.
Live only 10 days in this mode - and you will see that the body begins to work like a watch.

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